Monday, 2 April 2007

Beware, everyone! The devil is lurking around. Step up in prayer!

hey people, i'm so encouraged and uplifted when i come into all our 3 blogs and reading how everyone is trying to seek God. i had a not-so-good day in school. was so discouraged and disappointed that my own form class did so badly for their test and are not motivated at all to study. sigh... i feel helpless and inadequate. am at a loss how to help them. am i suppose to push them further or to accept them the way they are? on the way home (i walk home sometimes and it's good reflection time for me), i thought about how Jesus said He came for the sick, not the healthy and was reminded again how perhaps i am sent to the sick too, not the healthy. and i thought about how God must surely have much greater love for them than i have for, and surely then God must have His plans for them, then in which of the students' lives do i fit into that plan? perhaps i'm not listening hard enough to the Spirit's guidance, or perhaps i'm just meant to accept and endure everything now and God will show me why later on. surely i can't be a superman to all of them, to save all their lives? it's hard trying to think positive on my own, but i was so encouraged to "see" everyone sharing in the blogs too.

heard some of the other teachers complaining about their students too. guess i'm not the only one having a hard time with my students. i only pray that God sanctifies my every word and action, and that perhaps i should be more focused on the positive side of things. realized how easily i become discouraged and disappointed nowadays, the devil must be lurking around. i must not give in. i must continue to ask for the grace and strength to persevere and stand firm.

at least there's something to be happy about. one of my naughty students on suspension passed his science test, think he was very surprised and happy. praise GOd for allowing me to reach out to him.


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