Sunday 3 June 2007

MSC! (:


as i was walking down from church today, i was just thinking about msc, and realising that this is such a blessing in my life! (: haha. and i was blogging and thot it would be quite good to post it here too! (:

being in msc really amazes me sometimes, amidst all the teasings and fun
and laughter we share, and all the seriousness, the quarrels, the struggles,
the busy-ness and high committment level of things, the long meetings and the
prayerful mood sessions, the friendships built and the deep sharings between
people, the special hanging-out and ado sessions, the starting of a new
beginning, new ministries and new cell groups......

sometimes it can be so overwhelming when i see everything slowly unfolding to see how God is leading us all the way esp how far we have come, sometimes so upsetting when i feel left out and sometimes feel so happy cos i feel so integrated in it all. this whole myraid of feelings just shows how much msc means to me, too much to ever want to be without it ever. (:

you all are really such a special bunch of people in my life.

so really, i thank God for MSC, and for all of you for being a part of it. (: