Wednesday 13 June 2007

I Will Testify Your Love

I want to praise, i want to thank God for the beautiful semester, for seeing through the semester, to be indifferent to what people say about me but depend fully on you for guidance. for letting my character pull through, for spilling over your love to the people around me, for I am proud to have been an instrument of you in school.

Just as I thought I have messed up another sem, doing my after action review, trying to find out what went wrong, a close friend from my course msg me today thanking me for my help.

Just when I thought things will only get harder, that it is gonna be a start of a cold battle betw me and the financial world, a friend opened my heart to God's love once again.

My friend and I were just platonic friends who only attend one module together, turn project mates, beng head strong, we were having endless verbal war with one another. I never dreamed we will ever share about our private life, and become study partners one day.

As I thought back about how it all started, it was really God's grace that I had the humility and patience. Project intially was a selfish thing, I make sure everyone fits into my time table and not the other way round, when things go wrong, trouble shooting what went wrong was not done out of love but out of own selfish wants of getting my 'A'

One day, in the midst of the semester, i went for mass and was challenged to let Love be the centre of everything I do.

And I tried so hard to put that into perspective all the time, it was hard, it was a struggle, but I carried my cross.

That is what makes a catholic different from a normal person

the happiness I showed even during the most difficult time brought joy to people.

was it worth it? to always let people step on you? to struggle all the time when things could be much easier?

A brother of mine told me that I did not give up everything for nothing. but I gave up everything for Everything. Profound? - ponder

when I thought God was not there, the same brother told me that God is always there

I teared. one time, two times

And I am tearing again at the moment for how amazing his love is. For I am affirmed by his love. He showed me the fruits i reaped. I may not have done well, but I have was an instrument of his Love.

having a birthday cake in the midst of the exams seems impossible, my friends made it possible. I never see it beyond the reason that we have been through ups and downs together the whole sem. But today, I thank God for the character I have shown, which made all this possible.

I want to get A
I want a double degree
I want to be in the 'cool' gang
I want to be different

Oh well, I may seem limp and fake to never dream of big cars, house or being an associate one day

I just know I am just so happy, jumping for joy just to able to testify your love!


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